26 julio 2019

I don't care, we've been toguether for all this entire time. 
It's not ur decision it's mine too.
U just can not disappear this easy, is nor possible for me. I can not understand wtf it's wrong w u.
4 years toguether, 4 years and u with just click the block button, u just made all this shit in my head happens to me now, u maked me feel fucking crazy.
5 months whithout knowing anything about u.
u were my angel,and my everything, and let me tell u something else, I would give my entire life for u. 
Everyday I have to stay high for dont remember our moments toguether infront the screen. Babe, pls, tell me this is just a joke, that u really love me and u will always say the truth to me... or this is just a bad dream? or no, maybe this is the reallity and i'm just dying of love.

Resultat d'imatges de gif heartbreak